Those three words are the cornerstone motto of the Society of Professional journalists and in turn, working for SPJ strengthened me in that image. My work in SPJ's year-long communications coordinator fellowship allowed me to pursue new innovative ideas. It has broadened my knowledge of Freedom of Information issues, open government and evolving trends in the journalism industry. It has given me a new found sense of appreciation for the power of communications and storytelling.
During my fellowship I handled the Society's media, marketing and public relations efforts. Along with traditional forms of press releases and marketing messages, I used social media strategies to creatively engage target audiences to help meet their needs while maintaining a strong online presence.
Among many diverse functions, my position directly organized press inquiries with appropriate SPJ spokespersons and supplied needed press materials for the media. I wrote feature pieces for SPJ's Quill magazine and took part in Board of Directors meetings for SPJ and its educational foundation. My job also allowed me to learn specialized crisis management training. I hope you enjoy some of my creative works that are displayed in this section of my portfolio.