Sigma Delta Chi Awards Marketing Sample


Dear {{MediaContactFirstName}},

The Society of Professional Journalists, in its mission to improve and protect journalism, is proud to honor extraordinary individuals in the profession. We do so annually with the Sigma Delta Chi Awards.

The Sigma Delta Chi Awards date back to 1932, when the Society first honored six individuals for contributions to journalism. We continue that tradition 79 years later because every year journalists in small towns, big cities and everywhere in-between continue to produce extraordinary work that impacts our lives.

News happens everywhere and the best works of journalism do not go unnoticed. The Sigma Delta Chi Awards recognize the outstanding work published by journalists in several mediums, including online journalism. Please view the award categories and submit your work online for a chance to be nationally recognized.

To be eligible, work must have been published or broadcast during the 2010 calendar year. SPJ members may enter for $60. The non-member fee is $100. Contest rules and categories are here. The online submission processes is easy and efficient.

Visit for more information and to enter. The entry deadline is Feb. 9, 2011.

The awards are open to all journalists, so please feel free to share this information with your colleagues. If you have any questions, contact Awards Coordinator Lauren Rochester at (317) 927-8000 ext. 210.