Marketing Work

A greater percentage of my work for SPJ was focused on marketing the Society's numerous professional development and awards programs. The following information talks about some of those efforts. Many of them involved creating and implementing strategic plans of informing and engaging with target audiences. Often, some marketing campaigns overlapped.

Mark of Excellence Awards
With aggressive marketing, the Mark of Excellence national college student journalism awards competition received 3,958 entries in 2011, which was up 350 from the previous year. Aside from writing specific marketing messages and using strong social media tactics, I also worked with our Generation J committee chair to publish a list of journalism resume tips for students that included links back to the MOE awards as an example of the types of honors students could add to their resumes.

Because the award program recently started a two-year community college division, I took my own initiative to build a stronger, more comprehensive database of community college journalism advisers. This added effort gave way to a 105 percent increase in the number of community college participants in the award program.

Sigma Delta Chi Awards
I'm happy to note that SPJ's professional journalism award program saw an increase of one percent from the previous year due to extensive market targeting. SDX entries were up by 83 percent, from 1,375 to 1,458.

Sigma Delta Chi Awards Sample Marketing Message

SPJ Regional Conference Sample Marketing Message